Beat the SWFL Heat and Humidity with These Home Improvement Recommendations
Florida is hot and humid from May to November, which makes keeping your home cool more than just a summertime endeavor. There are a variety of reasons your home may feel uncomfortably hot during Florida’s peak temperatures. Whatever the reason is, it’s important to prepare your house for the comfort of you and your family. Here are some reasons your house may be getting too hot during warm months and what you can do to address these issues.

Eco-friendly homes are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners for a great reason. Making the right modifications to your home makes the environment inside and outside of your house healthier.
Building your home with sustainable products ensures they are free from harmful chemicals, finishes, and environmental pollutants. This can help provide cleaner air for your family to breathe. Building sustainably also gives back to the environment by lowering your carbon footprint.

Your home’s electrical system lets you keep your food cold, maintain a comfortable home temperature, cook your meals, wash your clothes, clean your house, entertain guests, run your devices, keep the lights on, and much more. None of that is possible if your electrical panel malfunctions. Issues with your electric system could also lead to serious hazards, such as a fire.

When plumbing issues spring up unexpectedly in your home, you may initially feel frustrated and ready to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. You may even be tempted to try and fix the problem yourself, even if you have no plumbing knowledge or skills. Hiring a licensed plumber who does safe, professional work will save you time, stress, and money.

Important Ways to Avoid Electrical Problems in Your SWFL Home


For most people living today, using electricity is something of a second nature. Without a moment’s thought, we blast our air conditioning units all day and night, store food and beverages in our refrigerators, reheat food in our microwaves, work in the radiance of indoor lighting, and charge our computers, phones, and countless other devices every day.

However, with the attitude that electricity is taken for granted comes the tendency to mismanage the power we have at our fingertips. Heavy use of appliances and devices at home can overwork our electrical system or even cause an electrical accident. Learning how to use your home’s electrical system and all your devices properly can improve their efficiency, prevent accidents, and keep you and your family safe. That’s why we’ve put together this guide of tips and tricks to stay safe at home, starting with the basics.


Tip 1: Know The Fundamentals

Before getting into the more advanced stuff, it is important that any homeowner know the fundamental electrical safety practices that protect their property and their family.

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Does Your Home’s Water Smell or Taste Funny? Here’s the Cause – and What it Means for Your Health


When homeowners turn on their water tap, they expect it to be clean and safe. However, sometimes that is not the case. There are many causes of water having a strange taste, smell, or color, with just as many effects on health and home. Understanding them – and how to fix them – is crucial for a healthy and well-maintained household.

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Why You Should Reconsider DIY Electrical Work & Hire An Electrician


Thanks to home improvement shows and a vast array of online tutorial videos, the “do it yourself” attitude is thriving across the United States. However, in order to make these shows and videos entertaining, they are often edited deceptively to make the projects seem much easier on screen than they are in reality. These tutorials and shows also seldom take the time to account for the individual needs every DIY project has, leaving out vital steps and instructions on the metaphorical cutting room floor. Furthermore, important information is often missing such as building code requirements, safety precautions, the proper personal protective equipment to use, and the necessary materials to complete the project. When it comes to electrical repairs, DIY instructional videos and shows are especially lacking in these areas.

All this considered, DIY homeowners who want to do their own electrical installations or repairs should rethink any plans they have to do so. Here are some reasons why:

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Most municipal or well water is likely to have many contaminates in it that can be harmful for you and your family to consume and bathe in. Contaminated water also attacks expensive appliances in your home as well as pipes and fixtures. The good news is, it is treatable. The better news is Halo offers many different systems so that you can be assured your specific water quality needs are being met while staying within your budget.

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What You Need to Know About Replacing the Water Pipes in Your Home
Plumbing issues are an inevitable part of home ownership. Plumbing systems are complex things, and eventually, something will break down and need to be repaired. However, sometimes a basic repair isn’t adequate – and the entire home needs to be repiped. That may sound like a big and expensive project, but there’s no reason to feel intimated. This article will cover the entire repiping process, from identifying the need to replace your pipes, to choosing materials and considering what sort of plumber to hire.

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