Why Air Quality In Your HVAC System Is So Important

Fresh air. We need it to live and to thrive. Oxygen drives our bodies, and every cell craves it. The problem these days is that our air is not all that fresh anymore. We have so many chemical pollutants that float freely through the air that gets breathed into our lungs that it can make breathing difficult and health issues a distinct possibility.

While Florida has better air quality than many parts of the country, it is still less than ideal. This real time air quality map is a great way to track good and bad days to spend time outside https://aqicn.org/map/florida/.

Especially on days when the air pollution map shows Moderate to Unhealthy for sensitive groups and even occasionally Unhealthy levels it is important to have a safe haven you can go to, indoors. Which begs the question… How healthy is your home’s indoor air quality?

On high pollution days it is a good idea to close your windows and turn on your HVAC system. Make sure your filter is clean and high quality. The smaller the particulate it traps the cleaner your filtered air.

While most people usually remember the AC filter, other household filters can be overlooked. These include the vacuum cleaner filter, the clothes dryer, and kitchen vents. Make sure to use your cooking vent fan when making a meal. Even electric burners produce carbon monoxide and nitrogen gas just like a gas stove only at lower levels.

Take a look at your air ducts as well. Dust, dander, and even mold can accumulate and be blown all over the home. It can seriously reduce the quality of the air you breathe. Humidity control also is important for health issues such as asthma or allergies. A dehumidifier can be very helpful here in Florida to help keep mold at bay.

Decorate your home with indoor plants. Plants are nature’s air filters. They can do wonders to improve the quality of air in your home.

Keeping your air clean and breathable requires some preventative maintenance and Beattie Home Services is here to assist. Give us a call for your air quality check up and let us make any needed adjustments so you can breathe easy.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

The HVAC experts at Beattie Home Services will be happy to help you schedule your testing, inspection or repair or replacement of your residential or commercial AC/Heating & Air Quality needs.   Call us at 239-766-4160 or contact us online to make an appointment.